Before we get to deep into this topic, let's first discuss what the Center for Internet Security (CIS) 18 controls are, what Implementation Groups (IGs) are, and then we will discuss why every small business should work towards the CIS 18 IG1.
Welcome to my second post in this series! This post will focus on the second control of the CIS 18, which is the Inventory and Control of Software Assets.
I've decided to start a new series on how to apply the Center for Internet Security (CIS) 18 to get to IG1 (Implementation Group 1, or in other words, Cyber Hygiene) for smaller organizations. As we all know, small businesses don't have large budgets to put towards Cybersecurity...
Since entering the teaching profession, I’ve seen a general misunderstanding on what to expect from a master’s degree. It compelled me to write this post about what the difference between each